Comprehensive DMO Voluntary Dental Plan
A Quality Employee Dental Program


ADA Code Description LOW OPTION
Co-payments** apply to CapDent Primary Care General Dentists*
Co-payments** apply to CapDent Primary Care General Dentists*
Co-payments** apply to CapDent Primary Care General Dentists and non-CapDent Specialists'
2740 Porcelain Crown $385 $270 $150
2751 Porcelain/metal crown 425 270 150
2791 Full cast crown 295 150 150
2962 Porcelain laminates 295 270 150
2930 Stainless steel crown 95 50 0
2952/2954 Cast and prefab post 95 50 0
2920/6930 Replacement crown/bridge 35 0 0
3110/3120 Direct/indirect pulp cap 10 0 0
3220 Pulpotomy 35 0 0
3310 Root canal one 225 125 0
3320 Root canal two 290 190 0
3330 Root canal three/four 395 335 150
3410 Apicoectomy inc. retrograde 175 125 0
4220 Gingival curettage 50 Q 60 Q 0
4210 Gingivectomy 125 Q 95 Q 0
4240/4260 Perio surgery muco/osseous 395 Q/425 Q 350 Q/350 Q 150
4341 Scaling/root planing 25 Q 45 FM 0
5110/5120 Full dentures 395 295 150
5213/5214 Partial dentures, chrome 395 295 150
5510 Denture repairs incl. addin. teeth 35-95 25-75 0
5740 Office reline 95 50 0
5750 Lab reline 150 95 0
6241 Porcelain/metal contic 425 270 150
6251 Acrylic/metal pontic 295 150 150
6721 Acrylic/metal abutment 295 150 150
6751 Porcelain/metal abutment 425 270 150
6791 Full cast abutment 295 150 150
6545 Resin retainer Not covered 220 0
7110 Simple extraction 45 25 0
7210 Surgical extraction 75 50 0
7220 Soft tissue impaction 95 50 0
7230/7240 Partial/full bony impaction 125/160 75/100 0
7310 Alveolectomy 95 Q 50 Q 0
9110 Palliative treatment 0 0 0
9951/9952 Occlusal adjustment complete/limit lete/limit 0 0 0

*CapDent Specialists will charge their usual fees, less a discount of 25 percent. 
**Not a comprehensive list of services and co-payments. 
The High Option Plan requires $150 per service co-pay per procedure for all crowns (other than stainless steel), all units of bridgework, dentures, molar root canals and periodontal surgery. Not all services which require this co-pay are listed above.

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