Comprehensive DMO Voluntary Dental Plan
A Quality Employee Dental Program

Schedule of Dental Co-payments 

The following co-payments will be charged to you by your CapDent primary care general dentist for covered dental services. These co-payments do not apply when you receive treatment from CapDent participating specialists. CapDent Specialists (including orthodontists) will charge their usual fees, less a discount of 25 percent. In the High Option, you will also have the ability to use non-CapDent participating specialists. If so, the co-payments shown will apply for the services listed (referrals are necessary when using these other Specialists). For orthodontic care, enrollees in all three options can be treated by CapDent Orthodontists with a 25 percent discount off their usual fee (24 months of coverage). High Option enrollees may also be treated by non-CapDent Orthodontists if the Enhanced Orthodontia Benefit was purchased by the employer. The Enhanced Orthodontia Benefit is not available to groups with one or two insured employees. If so, your co-payments will be $1,200 for children and $1,600 for adults (24 months of coverage). 


Network Benefit
Low Option CapDent Primary Dentists 
CapDent Specialists
Co-payment chart applies
Discount regular fees 25%
Medium Option CapDent Primary Dentists 
CapDent Specialists
Co-payment chart applies
Discount regular fees 25%
High Option CapDent Primary Dentists 
CapDent Specialists
non-CapDent Specialists
Co-payment chart applies
Discount regular fees 25%
Co-payment chart applies


ADA Code Description LOW OPTION
Co-payments** apply to CapDent Primary Care General Dentists*
Co-payments** apply to CapDent Primary Care General Dentists*
Co-payments** apply to CapDent Primary Care General Dentists and non-CapDent Specialists
Each office visit $0 $5 $5
0150/0120 Oral exams 0 0 0
0210 Full mouth X-rays 0 0 0
0220 Single films/each add'l 0 0 0
0330 Panoramic 0 0 0
1110 Prophylaxis 0 0 0
1230 Topical flouride 0 0 0
1351 Sealants, per tooth Not covered 20 0
2140 Amalgam one 20 0 0
2150 Amalgam two  35 0 0
2160/2161 Amalgam three/four 50 0 0
2951 Pin retention 10 0 0
2330 Composite one 25 0 0
2331 Composite two 40 0 0
2332/2335 Composite three/four 55 0 0

*CapDent Specialists will charge their usual fees, less a discount of 25 percent. 
**Not a comprehensive list of services and co-payments. 
The High Option Plan requires $150 per service co-pay per procedure for all crowns (other than stainless steel), all units of bridgework, dentures, molar root canals and periodontal surgery. Not all services which require this co-pay are listed above.

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