Summary of Benefits

Major Copayment Provisions HIP Prime™
PCP Office visits $15 copay per visit
Specialist Office visits $15 copay per visit
Hospital admission No copay
Emergency Room copay $35 copay per visit
Prescription drugs $10 generic/$20 brand (Subject to Drug Formulary)
$40 for Non-Formulary


Inpatient Hospital Services HIP Prime™
Hospital and physician services No copay
Semiprivate room and board No copay
Operating and recovery room, intensive and special care units, general nursing care, prescribed drugs, anesthesia, X-rays and lab tests No copay
Short-term speech, physical, occupational and respiratory therapy (when part of an acute admission) No copay
Short term only
Speech, physical, occupational and respiratory therapy (when part of a rehabilitation admission) No copay
90 days per calendar year
Radiation therapy and chemotherapy No copay
Pre-admission testing No copay
Human organ transplants No copay


Outpatient Medical Care HIP Prime™
PCP office visits Subject to PCP office visit copay
Specialists office visits Subject to Specialist office visit copay
Preventive care, including physical exams, eye and eye exams, health education and counseling, pap smear, mammography and immunizations Included in office visit copay
Well-child care to age 19 including immunizations No copay
Diagnostic services including X-ray, lab tests, EKG's, MRI's and CAT scans Included in PCP office visit copay
Prenatal, postnatal care in physician's office No copay
Outpatient hospital services and ambulatory surgery including physician and facility services No copay
Second medical and surgical opinion No copay
Disposable medical supplies No copay
Wheelchairs Not covered
Routine foot care Not covered
Chiropractic services Subject to Specialist office visit copay


Mental Health and Alcohol and Substance Abuse Care HIP Prime™
Mental Health Care  
Inpatient No copay;
30 days per calendar year
Outpatient $25 copay;
20 visits per calendar year
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Care  
Inpatient detoxification No copay;
7 days per calendar year
Inpatient Rehabilitation Treatment Not covered
Outpatient Rehabilitation Treatment Subject to PCP office visit copay;
60 visits per calendar year


Special Kinds of Care HIP Prime™
Emergency and Urgent Care  
In hospital emergency room Subject to Emergency Room copay
In urgent care facility Subject to PCP office visit copay
In physician's office Subject to PCP office visit copay
Ambulance service to hospital No copay
Home health care No copay; 200 visits per calendar year
Hospice care No copay; 210 days
Skilled Nursing Facility care No copay; Unlmited days
Dialysis treatment $15 copay per visit
Diabetes equipment, supplies and education $15 copay per month
Outpatient physical, speech, occupational and respiratory therapy Subject to Specialist office visit copay;
90 visits per calendar year
InterPlan® Care Covered (Chronic conditions only)
Family Planning Services Covered
Dental Care
General Dental Care Covered at reduced member fee schedule
Preventive Dental Oral exam (One every 6 months - $5 copay per visit
Cleaning, including one application of flouride for children age 16 and under (one every 6 months - $10 copay per visit)
Durable Medical Equipment Not covered
Private Duty Nursing Not covered
Hearing Aids Not covered, Cochlear implants covered
Optical Care
Refractive Eye Exams No copay
Eyeglasses $45 for a complete paid every 24 months


Drugs are dispensed in accordance with HIP's Drug Formulary. Please refer to your Prescription Drug Rider for details.

Except for emergency care, the above benefits and services are covered only when provided or referred by a HIP Primary Care physician and/or approved in advance by the HIP Member Advocacy Program. HIP Participating Physicians and Providers have contracted with HIP to provide care to our members; they are not employees, agents, servants or representatives of HIP. This summary is provided for information only; it does not contain complete details of the Plan which are available only in the Contract or Certificate of Coverage and Schedule of Benefits, and it does not constitute an Agreement.

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